EN/IT-ES translations

I translate all types of documents from English to Spanish and vice-versa, and also from Italian to Spanish for the general public and national and international businesses in different fields and sectors.

EN/IT-ES translation services








My aim here is to achieve an accurate translation of the message to the target language and adapt it to the context to ensure good communication and understanding among my customers.

While translating, I like to speak personally to each of my customers to analyse their individual requirements: Who is the translated text for? What tone would you like to use? Casual? Formal? Is it going to be used in a country where the content will require some kind of special adaptation? Once all of that is clear, I strive to achieve the right solution so that my customers are fully satisfied and actually achieve their goals.

I work with people from all walks of life, from big international companies to private individuals who need a short text translated for their personal use, and also with public and private organisations.

I have wide experience in a range of sectors: IT, marketing, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, the media, education, environment…

+34 636 57 06 07

Calle San Lorenzo 6-10 1ºB oficina 3
