About me
I am a professional Translator and Interpreter, duly appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Certified English Translator and Interpreter.

Hello! I´m Paula,
Certified English Translator
Just so you can get to know me a bit better, I’m Paula, and ever since I can remember I have loved languages and writing in general.
I can still vividly remember my answer to that typical question that people always ask: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. From an early age I always replied that I wanted to be one of those people who helped others to understand each other when they didn’t speak the same language (at that age I didn’t know the terms “translator” or “interpreter”).
Some years later, following on from school, studying, reading, enjoying several enriching trips abroad, further education and more study, but more importantly feeling a lot of curiosity about this profession and the world of writing, I have become a professional Translator and Interpreter, duly appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Certified English Translator and Interpreter. And, perhaps more importantly, I am passionate about my work.
I consider myself to be a perfectionist, and very persevering in all aspects of my life. I believe those are very positive traits that have helped me reach where I am now and to deliver work to the very highest standard of quality, which is an attribute that helps me stand out from other professionals in the sector.