Drafting and copywriting

As a language professional, if you need to create a text adapted to your specific requirements and specific target public, I will also be able to provide you with the help you need.

Drafting and copywriting services

Articles for blogs

Website content

Just about everyone the world over knows what drafting is. It can be described as creating a general written text, but do we know how it is different to copywriting?

In short, copywriting also involves producing texts, but they are more focused on advertising and publicity. The texts are drafted to arouse curiosity by readers, to encourage them to eventually buy a product or service, or perform the actions that we want them to perform.

Before drafting my texts, I hold a meeting with the customer and ask a number of questions in order to perfectly understand the ultimate objective: What do you want to achieve? Are you selling a product or a service? Is the text being drafted for another purpose? Who are the targets? What format will it be published in? A website? A magazine?

With the customers’ replies as the basis for my work, I adapt the text to each of their needs and objectives.

+34 636 57 06 07

Calle San Lorenzo 6-10 1ºB oficina 3
